In the near future Earth has been devastated by drought and famine, causing a scarcity in food and extreme changes in climate. When humanity is facing extinction, a mysterious rip in the space-time continuum is discovered, giving mankind the opportunity to widen their lifespan. A group of explorers must travel beyond our solar system in search of a planet that can sustain life. The crew of the Endurance are required to think bigger and go further than any human in history as they embark on an interstellar voyage, into the unknown. However, through the wormhole, one hour is the equivalent of seven years back on Earth, so the mission won't work if the people on Earth are dead by the time they pull it off. And Coop, the pilot of the Endurance, must decide between seeing his children again and the future of the human race.
This movie is very emotional as Cooper, the pilot of the Endurance, loves his daughter, Murphy and promised to her that he will be back soon. When those 3 hours at Miller s planet means 23 years back on Earth, and when Mann almost destroyed their entire project. It was sad in the ending. I can't tell you anymore since I will spoil the movie. But I can tell you that it will make you jump out to space!
The actors of the movie did really well and I will give them a thumbs up for the acting. The story is quite hard to understand and you will need to know Quantum Physics to really understand it (Just kidding). Graphics wise it looks very beautiful and the scenery will just blow your mind out.
Will I recommend this movie? 100% yes. I don't understand why some critics think that it is not good. The story might be a little hard to understand compared to other movies (like Transformers which doesn't require you have a brain) but once you get the hang of it the whole story will unravel itself.
My final score on this movie: 85/100
The black hole in the movie. You can also see a small planet there. |
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