My dog, Rio

My dog, Rio

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Post 3: Life is hard, especially when you are a frog

Hey my fellow followers! Today is day 3 of the blog and Post 3 as well. I know I said I won't post on a daily basis but who knows? Today I shall talk about my life. A simple yet happy life. I have a life that is actually pretty relaxing rather than the busy having tuitions like  you guys have or busy working in the office. I live at Taman Da Hua 3, which translated to English means Big Flower Garden 3 ( Doesn't make sense, right? ). My house is a semi-detached house which is considered pretty big for me. There are very few condos in Tawau as it is just a small town (unlike those bustling cities where high-rise buildings are everywhere). I got a family of 5. which consists of my dad, my mum, my sister, my animal and me.

I shall not tell anything about my family members (as they told me not to) but I can blog about my pet. My pet is a dog. His name is Rio. He is a pretty cute dog. He is both awesome and a little fat. I don't know his breed as he is mixed, very mixed. He does not like to swim but he does like to bathe. His fur is black,grey and white on the chin, feet and belly. He is a star in my eyes because he is cute yet very fierce. He can be a star in my blog if you guys like him.

Life is kinda tough on these few days because exam is coming next week. Today, my class had no air conditioning because we broke two windows in 5 days. They say until the glass panels are shipped here and fixed, we cannot use the air conditioner. I guess we have to use the fan for the time being. (All thanks to me, Ong, Yip and Janson). My blog is getting tougher to write too. As the blog gets more pageviews than ever I am trying hard to please everyone of you. Carlson may have taken off a little pressure from me as he will be  posting on technology. I will be focusing on the rest. Life is really tough, especially when you are a frog.

Post on gaming this week might be cancelled because of non availability of  my new laptop. I play games using desktop in my dad's shop but will upload my videos using the laptop. I might post 2 videos at once but that might not be possible because of the exam next week. Okay that's it for now. Please Comment, Like and/or Share. I will talk to you guys later

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